Healing Through Raw Living Foods
Raw, living foods are plant-based foods in their original, unheated(uncooked) state and are considered raw and alive. Raw foods include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds sprouts, microalgae ( such as spirulina, chlorella, etc ) and fresh juices. These living foods contain a wide range of vital life force nutrients. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, oxygen, and live enzymes. The benefits of going raw-vegan are limitless. Raw foods are easy to digest and they provide maximum amount of nourishment with minimal body work. Healing powers of raw living foods can help heal the body of low energy, digestive disorders, boost immune system, and helps with weight issues. Heat changes the makeup of foods. The food loses its life force energy, enzymes, vitamins and minerals, which causes the digestive system to work harder and longer to digest cooked foods and get to nutrition and energy from it.
Juicing typically requires using a machine or equipment in order to turn raw fruits and vegetables into a liquid. Juicers separate the juice from the pulp or fiber. Juices retain most of their vitamins, minerals, and plant chemicals(phytonutrients) that would be found in the whole version of those foods. Benefits of juicing are reduced load on the digestive system to give it a rest. Digesting food requires lots of energy and when adding juices to your lifestyle, it increases your energy cause the body is not spending time on digesting food. Green Juice is packed with chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a nutrient found in plants and is a powerful detoxifier. Juicing helps with weight loss. Juicing helps you absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables. It boosts the immune system with phytochemicals. Raw juice also contains biophotonic light energy, which revitalizes your body.
I'm Kira. About 15 years ago I was following the standard american diet(SAD) when I was severely ill and diagnosed with candida, adrenal exhaustion, and severe digestive problems such as leaky gut, chronic constipation, then colitis, and depression. I spent years dealing with the medical field and the conventional way of treating illness, only to become more sick and depressed. The medical doctors only choice for me to be disease free was to cut out my colon. I said, I am done with the medical field. I decided I was going to take control of my own health. I spent years researching and changing not only my diet but my lifestyle. I changed my diet to an all organic diet. I noticed some improvement. The more I read and researched, I changed my diet to vegetarian and then vegan and then to a raw food and juicing diet. That is where and when I really began to notice the effects of food on the mind, body, and spirit. Each transition, from SAD, to an organic cooked food diet, to vegetarian, to vegan, to raw vegan, and the results intensified my healing. The healing power of raw living uncooked plant based foods healed my digestive problems in weeks. My symptoms began to clear up immediately. Not only my physical symptoms cleared up, but the anxiety and depression improved. Furthermore, my mind was crystal clear, my breathing was deep and fulfilling, my eyes sparkled, and my spiritual connection deepened. A whole new world was born. I want to share with the world what I have learned and healed from this experience.