Schools and Certifications
Chakra and Energy Healing Course, Kripalu Center for Yoga and Healing in 2016
Studied for one week with Anodea Judith and one week with Caroline Myss
Learned extensively about the chakra system and energy meridians, psychology and the effects of stress, trauma, and abuse on the energy body.
How to heal, balance, and align each chakra with food, exercise, meditation, yoga, mantras, stones and crystals.
Studied for a year at home with both of these ladies.
Raw Food Chef Certification, Costa Rica
Trained at La Joy Del Sol in Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica with Chef Eric Rivkin in 2015
Trained at Hacienda Del Sol in San Juanillo, Costa Rica with Chef Meg Pearson in 2014
At both of these trainings learned: Nutrition, using raw food kitchen equipment, setting up and managing a raw vegan kitchen, raw food recipes, dehydrating techniques, food combining, soaking and sprouting nuts, seeds, and sprouts, knife skills, understanding flavor dynamics, etc
Juice Fast and Detox Renewal
The Graff Academy of Raw Food Nutrition in Roswell Georgia, 2014
Learned juicing principles in participating in a 7 juice fast, nature of disease and healing. role of inflammation in the body, candida, diabetes, juicing verse blending, dry skin brushing, sunshine and importance of vitamin D, colon cleansing, causes of toxicity, adrenal exhaustion, etc.
Thai Yoga Massage Course
White Lotus Foundation in Santa Barbara, California in 2013
Learned to give a full body Thai Massage, theory and massage of energy lines, principles of energy healing, history of Thai Yoga Massage, Intro and practice of meditation, Hatha yoga poses to facilitate deep relaxation, etc
Foundation Course in Colon Hydrotherapy
International School for Colon Hydrotherapy in Juno Beach, Florida in 2013
Learned how to administer colon hydrotherapy, anatomy and physiology, digestion and elimination, parasites, candida, and intestinal dysbiosis, etc
Essential Natural Hygiene Diploma
Transformation Institute of Natural Hygiene in 2008
Learned about benefits of a raw food diet and juicing, organic verse non-organic produce, different types of fasting, vaccinations, importance of balancing mind, body, and soul, benefits of grounding, fresh air, sunshine, good relationships, etc.
Self Study
Studied and Learned for the past ten years through books, dvds, and cds.
Studied from Dr. Gabriel Cousens, Matt Monarch, David Wolfe, Brian Clement, Ann Wigmore, Steve Meyerowitz, Viktoras Kulvinskas, Arnold Ehret, Anodea Judith, Caroline Myss, Deepak Chopra, Pema Chodron, Judith Orloff, Cyndi Dale, Osho, David Frawley, Doug Graham, Brenda Watson, Paul Nison.